
  • Widget
  • Mobile

Easily access information from your phone on a smart case widget.

ZTyme Mobile App

About the Project

Ztyme is a smart case designed specially for Android phones. It’s not just any phone case but rather a very sophisticated one which becomes a widget where you can select the information you want to view, without opening your phone. Our task was to design an intuitive Ztyme app as well as the Widget screens and make it fully functional with a seamless performance.

Widget Screen

While making the widget screens, we had to incorporate top functions on the dashboard such as notifications, settings, phone, messages, camera, flashlight etc which are the most used functions on any device. Our biggest challenge while designing was to fit all the icons in a way that they would be easily accessible with just a touch. We had to make the overall illusion similar to that of a real widget.

Detail Screens

Our next challenge was to design a full view of each function in the widget screen. For example how the phone call would look, or how the alarm icon would show. We had to fit maximum information in minimum space while keeping the design clutter free.

Settings Page of ZTyme Mobile App

Manage Widget

This was one of the most important features of the Ztyme platform. On the Ztyme app, the user can select from a range of apps that they would like to have a selected view of, on the widget. We wanted the users to carry out maximum tasks with the help of the widget so we provided an option to select from any five apps and carefully placed them on the widget.

Design System

To make the theme of the smart cover app, look and feel like that of a digital watch, we orchestrated between various colours themes, but finalised on a combination of mostly black and red. We also designed multiple icons of various functions which would fit effortlessly in the widget.

Colors, Icons and Typography of ZTyme Mobile App
Widget screens of Smart Case App ZTyme

The Ztyme App

The app was designed for easy customization of the services available on the widget. Firstly the login screen was kept very simple with only important elements. There was also an option to enable and disable the widget. To enhance the UX even further, we designed two themes for the watch style- A digital theme and an analog theme. We even gave the option to customize the “quick call” list as per the users preference. There were lots of customizations available in the smart cover app for the users to help them get the most out of their smart case.

ZTyme different screens