About project

The client deals with women’s beauty products for many years. Having an in-depth knowledge of different color combinations and makeup products, the client wished to develop an Android application that can find the right shade for the users from over 60k beauty products.

Before asking for a customized Android makeup product app, the client came to implement modifications in the existing iOS apps of the client and the end client.

Plum Perfect is a customized Android app dedicated to makeup products to find the right shade for the user’s skin tone or skin color.


The client had an iOS app but was not satisfied with its functionality. Adding functionalities and optimizing an existing iOS app were the main objectives in the client’s mind while contacting IndiaNIC for the first time.

Initially, the client gave modification work for the existing iOS app. The client also offered the same work for an existing iOS app of the end client. After getting desired features and functionalities in both the iOS apps, the client finally assigned an Android app development project to IndiaNIC.

The client was highly concerned about optimization in every aspect of a customized beauty product mobile app. While emphasizing on code unification and optimization, the client asked for pixel-to-pixel perfection in the UI design.

Our Strategy

The experts at IndiaNIC quickly understood the client’s requirements for the makeup app. Addressing the concern of optimization, IndiaNIC developers suggested code optimization to the client. IndiaNIC also proposed some modifications in the application’s web services that the client gladly accepted.

Android developers at IndiaNIC smartly implemented the client’s face detection concept in a customized Android app. The beauty app solution was given in a way that the user can get the perfect match from the range of beauty products with the help of a selfie or an image.

The client kept on giving work in chunks and IndiaNIC addressed the same with a dedicated model.


Login Page of a Plum Perfect a beauty app
Plum Perfect Products
Products Detail
Plum Perfect Password Setting
Plum Perfect Shopping Cart
Product Page of a Plum Perfect a beauty app
Plum Perfect Beauty App

Made For

All female users and makeup artists who are looking for makeup products matched with skintone, lip color, hair color and eyes.

Technologies Used



The client’s iOS app secured its place in the top ten app’s chart with over 10k downloads in a single day. The client’s face detection concept and customized apps were acclaimed by many bloggers and TV channels. The client witnessed an increase in sales while enjoying a high number of app downloads across both the platforms.

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Idea Lavoro


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