Do That Logo

360° Leisure App to Plan & Manage Gatherings

Isn’t it amazing to have a leisure planner app that does all? From exploring events to manage, share, and invite people to socialise. DoThat is an app that literally does it all. The client from Switzerland had this great idea and chose Team IndiaNIC to execute it on iOS platform.

Project Brief

Normally people use multiple apps in leisure time for specific purposes. To plan/manage schedules, connect/manage contacts, explore activities , plan gatherings, sync calendars for notifications & share the moments via chat module in real time. What if everything could be done via a single app? This was the core idea of the client to come up with something universal, yet something unique in the form of a leisure social networking app.

The experienced UI/UX design team & iOS developers were in close collaboration with the client to understand the business objectives & client’s requirements.

leisure app development

Faced Challenges

Accommodate multiple modules with unique functionalities to create a precise workflow and deliver the best UX.

To keep the app functionality simple while incorporating multiple features & modules was always going to be tricky. A lot of things had to be taken care of to make them work together to serve the user needs. Like auto pop up of weather information based on the location while selecting & creating an event, to verify a person’s availability while sending an invite for an event via calendar sync in background to make app faster, real-time chat room notifications upon every invitation acceptance.

indianic developed leisure app
leisure app for gathering management

Project Approach

To encapsulate a range of features required intense brainstorming sessions internally & with the client and his team. The team crafted a design prototype to understand the complete app functionality. The client gave a green light and the project went ahead.

Basically the app’s functionality was categorised into two layers calle iDO Events & uDO Events. iDO Events category would encapsulate create, update, plan, share , manage private/public events, contacts, individual or group chat rooms, assign events to multiple groups. Where uDO Events can update users about open invitations to the public events or special invitations to any private event while allowing users to see other attendees.

Key Benefits

  • One app does all. Hence, users tend to use it in a more smooth manner. It also ensures user retention as using one app to manage all your leisure activities saves time & enhances overall user experience.
  • Get daily highlights of all the DoThat & local calendar’s events upon the sync. Easily create, schedule, share to the network & get it’s reminders regularly. Handle calendar in a Week/Month view mode as per your convenience.
  • Events are shared to the contacts with additional details like participant’s availability decided by the calendar, weather updates, deep linking for event sharing & navigational assist to guide people to the venues.
  • The advanced chat module could be created for individuals or a group attending a specific event. Chatroom can be updated to any future event taking place & has all those features of forward, copy, delete, reply, etc. with gif & image attachment options. End participants also have the option to reunion in the future & use the same chatroom to organise multiple events.
  • The chat module also allows participants to manage the room with archive or exit from the room & admin users of that chatroom can manage to add or remove any person in real time.

UX designer, iOS developer, Node.js, & AngularJS experts teamed up to launch the app in time.


The client has been in absolute awe of the responsiveness and the ability portrayed by the IndiaNIC dev team regarding the time taken to develop this astonishing iOS leisure planner app. The app is completely ready to get launched on a scheduled time. Currently, Team IndiaNIC is in discussion for the next phase on the sideline as of now. Things are looking great indeed!

Technology Used

Do That Logo

Next Project

Social Networking

