Why Do Enterprises Need Mobile Strategy Consulting Services?

By Admin Jul 31, 2013, 1:59:43 PM , In Mobile Apps
Why Do Enterprises Need Mobile Strategy Consulting Services?

Table of Contents

Mobile industry has evolved greatly in recent years and it is still changing with pace and innovations in full flow. At the same pace, the behavior of the workforce at the enterprises that use mobile technologies is changing too. Today, where every business is going mobile, there are more intensive aspects within such enterprises that need a change overall. 

Why Mobile Strategy Consultation Important?

Well, with the rise in innovations you definitely might not be the only one who is looking to implement mobility solutions. A lot of enterprises, of all sizes, are already exploring the potential of enterprise mobility benefits to stay competitive. What enterprises of today need is a dire need for strategic focused planning, designing, and implementing a successful enterprise mobility strategy. 

Again, every software development project comes with a unique challenge and a different set of requirements. This is where finding the right enterprise mobility consultants is a wise option to avoid unwanted shocks and failures at a later stage.

Consulting expert mobile strategy providers will help you in ameliorating the way your employees and clients engage with your company through devices. The new wave of business on mobile brings various challenges to the enterprises that can directly harm their confidential information. In such a case, IT consulting for mobile strategy is what a business enterprise should look for.

More than anything else, a business enterprise should look for a consulting firm that understands its needs and provides required mobility solutions.

Enterprise Mobility Strategy Planning Consultant

Enterprise mobility implementation is a great step in preserving the company’s private information. But id does not solve everything. If you scratch the surface you will find that mobile strategy is not just enough. With the allowance of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and BYOA (Bring Your Own Access) in your business activities, a robust mobile management planning is also required in addition to enterprise mobility strategy. 

But, before you jump on with the idea of searching for a consulting firm, here is what you need to do first.

  • Understand your company’s objective and goals
  • Know your limitations & security rules
  • Which mobile platform you want to work
  • Timeline & budget
  • Now, consult a firm for enterprise mobility strategy

How does Enterprise Mobility Consultants Help?

The consulting firm has a proven mobility framework that will render rapid defined and planned mobility strategy. The professional enterprise mobility consultants will understand your company’s needs and ensure your company achieves its business objectives. They have deep knowledge and experience with the latest mobile OS, devices and mobile workflow. 

Proven Skills with Experience That Your Enterprise Needs

They are equally trained in providing backend enterprise databases, applications and legacy systems. In order to reach your mobility goals faster, they have exclusive following services that make sure that your mobile workflow is maintained with full dignity.

We shall think in three directions -Mobile App Management, Mobile App Platform & Mobile Cross Platform.

Mobile App Management 

In order to avoid any information breaches through BYOD or BYOA policy, you need Mobile App Management (MAM) for controlling your mobile business. It functions to deploy both corporate and employee-owned mobile apps.

How does it work?

  • It take charge over the mobile apps access and distribution
  • Provides remote applications updates
  • Allow you to study the ROI through mobile app analysis
  • Helps you in managing mobile app life cycle

What a Consulting Firm can provide you?

  • Keep you informed with all the managed apps
  • Provide you with report, tracking and analysis of apps
  • Help you with application version management
  • Keep you updated with app performance and crash log report
  • Provide you the controlled access for your workforce with single or multi-tier authentication

Mobile App Platform

For building a wide range of essential mobile apps for your business, Mobile App Platform (MAP) helps you in rendering the number of apps to your employees without any hassles of programming. This powerful one-stop mobile strategy will ensure higher security for apps and flow of business data.

How does it work?

  • Providing higher user adaptability and app usage
  • Rendering  tailored-made apps that can turn on any devices
  • Supporting all latest mobile OS
  • Providing affordable solution for company following BYOD/BYOA
  • Allows changing template apps and also customizing them

What a Consulting Firm can provide you?

  • Render you with business service integration
  • Provide you with device management
  • Help you with channel management and security
  • Make use of cross device UI definition for providing better solution
  • Provide device specific features (GPS, Accelerometer, etc.)
  • Support cloud-compatibility feature

Mobile Cross Platform

The instant need for information irrespective of place and time is coupled with mobile device complexities. Hence, mobile enterprise must shift from the traditional legacy system of controlling mobile apps to support multiple platforms and devices. This is where mobile cross platform comes into action.

How does it work?

  • Provides the compatibility of apps on different devices
  • Ensures proper functioning of apps as per business requirements
  • Affordable solution for apps development
  • Provide excellent user experience with ease of navigation
  • Assure stable and consistent apps performance

What a Consulting Firm can provide you?

  • Understand and provide require cross platform strategy
  • Help in deployment of apps irrespective of the size and type of device
  • Provide app development for small to composite mobile apps
  • Study your existing infrastructure to evaluate exact cross platform

Final Say

The mobile enterprise consulting works hands on with your organization to develop, and help you implement fully customised mobility solutions. The above-mentioned are some of the mobile enterprise strategic solutions that help a business enterprise in managing the entire mobile workflow with a flexible and user-friendly way to monitor. This serves the purpose of enhancing the overall security, implementation of innovation, and improving the overall employee experience and productivity.

Hence, with mobility consulting services, it is now easy for you to manage millions of app downloads and its access among your employees. As now you know the importance and need of mobility consulting services, you can go and search for reputed companies for getting your business protected from various security breaches.

Why is IndiaNIC Your Perfect Enterprise Mobility Solutions Partner?

Since 1997, IndiaNIC has been a leading offshore software solutions provider that delivers end-to-end enterprise mobility solutions globally. With the in-house expertise and of course with 100% integrity with our clients, our experts and dev team will deliver everything mentioned in this article.

We understand what your enterprise needs and guarantee to plan, develop, deliver, and implement to meet custom enterprise requirements.

Talk to enterprise mobility solution experts at IndiaNIC now!