5 Brilliant Technologies for Real Estate Marketing Solutions

By Admin Feb 4, 2021, 6:00:37 PM , In Enterprises
5 Brilliant Technologies for Real Estate Marketing Solutions

Table of Contents

Technology advancement is the phrase that has impacted all the industries over the last decade. And the impact has been so tremendous that hardware and software solutions have become an integral part in the transformation of the small, medium, and large organizations. 

But there is one such industry in which the businesses have been so damn rigid to implement, adapt, improvise, overcome the conventional operations, manual paperworks and time consuming processes. Advanced real estate software solutions are imperative for businesses to stay competitive where the competition is huge.

These 21st century softwares alone or software-hardware integrations, to represent an IoT solution, for the real estate marketing ideas can be a game changer. This blog exactly shows the five technologies which real estate software developers can use to completely transform your marketing operations and range of possibilities.

5 Advanced Technologies for Real Estate Marketing

BLE/iBeacon Technology for Informative Boards/ Banners

Beacon is a small bluetooth device that repeatedly transmits signals that other devices like your smartphone can see. Using the smart iBeacon solution, it is possible to provide notifications to the business clients or potential clients  and initiate contact. This beacon based marketing solution represents a perfect fit where there is an automated platform to share the business information about the properties without having to go for it or wait for the home owner to come. Beacons need one time implementation/ installation after they are configured. Admins can change the broadcasting messages too and manage the content easily through a web app or a mobile app

VR based Property Tours

Virtual Reality (VR) product development is another technology that could be a sensational success for the real estate industry. This VR solution for real estate business has been proved to be a blessing for those who are looking to migrate and finding a property. They can literally see every corner of the property virtually before making a decision to physically visit. This saves time, effort, and money for those people. This is a must have solution for your property portfolio. 

IoT & Home Automation

For the people with deep pockets, the initial vibes while entering any house matters the most to bring the deal to conclusion. And hence we suggest the real estate agencies and business owners to invest in IoT powered smart home automation systems. No doubt that it may sound like a cost friendly investment over the property pricing, but there are a range of reasons that it can prove to be a budget friendly solution, by helping to save bucks on electricity, heating bills, etc. 

Read more here: Smart Home Automation Solutions 

Chatbot for Customer Service

Chatbot development leads customer service to a whole new level in the service industry by instilling the natural conversational experience. Common questions that you can have answered by a bot are similar to what are the features of this house, what do I need to do to prepare my house for sale, what listings are in my price range, or what listings are close to my zip code? Chatbots are powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies which can also send personalised messages for the repeated visitors or customers and provide relevant information to save time. There are more possibilities associated with delivering exquisite customer service.

Intelligent Voice Assistants

Bring Alexa or Google Home to help out visitors with precise answers to their questions. Upsell your products or services to your customers to make some extra. Real estate businesses can generate extra inquiries and leads with Alexa. Wondering how? Alexa connects with the 3rd party property rental and property finder applications on the market. It allows the agent to use their names in front of the visitors and narrow down the search with respective agent’s listings based upon the visitor’s preferences. The visitor also gets the agent’s contact details for further queries and proceedings. Ain’t that cool?

Read more on: Intelligent Assistants for Restaurant Business

In the end… 

Of course there is no doubt that the above marketing ideas would be depending upon the market, your first and brand, and your management ability. And so is important to make sure to hone in on what is trending in your market!

The real estate industry has historically been slow to change but finding its pace gradually. Moreover, whether it’s machine learning algorithms or innovative software, real estate is entering a new era that may bring more profit for everyone.

Want to know about possibilities in detail with any of these technologies? Have a free consultation with our real estate software experts.